Hello and welcome to my space.

I am a doctor by profession, a bibliophile, a biophile (nature-lover in simple terms!), and a bilingual mommy of two beautiful boys. Through my blog, I strive to promote conscious parenting practices, especially in today’s multicultural, multinational world. My biggest loves in life are children, nature, and books! I believe you can never have too many books, oh and yes, forgot to mention, I’m a children’s author too.

My philosophy in life is simple; stay connected to your roots no matter where life takes you. Hold your identity close with pride, trust me it will not hold you back. Rather it will help you grow in a more dynamic, versatile, and extraordinary way!
Nanhay Beej “Tiny Seeds”; I purposefully used the metaphor of seeds for children as it combines two of my top three loves, the beauty of nature and the innocence of children.